common mistakes

4 Common Mistakes Husbands and Wives Make in Marriage

Guess what? There’s no such thing as a perfect marriage! No matter how great a relationship may look on the outside, every couple has struggles because every person makes mistakes. 

If you’ve read many of my blog posts, you know that Mark and I have made our share of mistakes. Instead of making excuses for our behavior, we have tried to learn from what we’ve done wrong so we can grow as a couple. Our marriage isn’t perfect, but we are always looking for ways to love each other better. A foundational step we have taken for a strong marriage is acknowledging the mistakes we do make and resolving to avoid them in the future.

Over the years we have discovered several common mistakes that husbands and wives (including us!) make in marriage: not putting your spouse before your kids, not respecting your spouse, not confiding in your spouse, and not being intimate with your spouse. In this podcast, Mark and I discuss these common problems to help you identify potential issues in your marriage.

As a mom, I can tell you that I’ve sometimes struggled with the first mistake by not putting Mark before the kids. We have five absolutely wonderful kids, but parenting has sometimes taken the front seat in our household, relegating our marriage to the back. It’s such an easy mistake to make, especially during the early years of your kids’ lives. Children are demanding, and being a good parent takes a lot of time and effort. But I can tell you from experience that prioritizing your marriage is crucial for being the best parent you can be. When you are making your spouse a priority, he or she becomes an even stronger parenting partner. Working through issues with the kids, especially when it comes to discipline, is so much easier when you and your spouse are on the same page and have each others’ backs.

Click here to listen to the rest of the common mistakes we make in marriage. 

Have you made any of these mistakes? Acknowledging mistakes is the first step toward a healthier marriage!

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