finding joy in the chaos

Finding Joy in the Chaos


“Life is about finding the joy in the chaos and the crazy.”

-Sondra to Ally, Moms’ Night Out

What happens when moms are swallowed up into the chaos of life? They (or at least I) go bonkers!  Funny? Only in hindsight. My life becomes messy when I can’t control the circumstances my family is in and I start reacting in an often unbecoming way. Then I get discouraged with myself and spiral downward into dejected despair. Finding joy in the chaos of motherhood is the antecedent to despair.

Twice since I saw the movie Moms’ Night Out I have had to sit myself down and have a Sondra to Ally talk. We all need a Sondra in our life to remind us, in the midst of our trials, that the goal is not just to survive the chaos in parenting but to find joy in it!

So if, like me, you tend to get a little bonkers from time to time, here is my take on how to find light in the darkness, excitement in the ordinary, and joy in the chaos:

1. Find Light in the Darkness.

We often forget that we are all in this together—a big team of moms!  We need to be able to rely on each other when things get difficult.  So find light in the darkness by surrounding yourself with a group of moms who will encourage you and walk with you through parenting.

2. Find Excitement in the Ordinary.

It’s easy to fall into routine with our families: wake up, rush to get ready, go to school, go to practice, finish homework, make dinner, hop back in bed, and start all over again!  But part of being a mom means finding excitement in the ordinary…like singing as loud as you can on the car ride to school, making a big deal over your child’s small accomplishments, or surprising the family by cooking breakfast for dinner.  Make extraordinary memories with your kids that they’ll never forget.

3. Find Joy in the Chaos.

Finally, being a mom is all about finding joy in the chaos.  It’s about appreciating the little things and loving the simple moments with our kids—even when absolutely nothing is going our way.  It’s about knitting patience into the fabric of our lives when everything feels like it’s out of control.  And it’s about being joyful over the fact that your kids are yours to love, no matter how chaotic life gets.

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