joy to the world

Joy to the World! (Christmas Countdown Day 3)


Joy… it comes naturally when hopes are fulfilled.

The wise men, who had seen the star and set out to find the reason for it – the Christ child baby – had fulfilled their purpose and had reason to rejoice.  Their long journey ended in great joy.

But what about when it doesn’t? What about when hopes don’t seem to be fulfilled, and journeys don’t seem to end happily? After all, some Christmas seasons are just much harder than others.  Finances are tight, loved ones are sick or grieved, and joy is harder to be found.

Yet in the wise men’s situation, the secret to finding joy seemed to be in the science of the star. You see, the star was still there, even when they couldn’t see it.

So the wise men had to keep looking, keep anticipating that what started them on their journey would enable them to complete their journey.  They had to keep actively seeking the star, allowing joy to be the final result.

Whatever might seem to loom in front of you this Christmas week, know there is still joy ahead to be found.  Keep seeking it.  And when you find it, celebrate… in an exceedingly great way!

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