
Princess and the Pee…

…(or in this case Pee-Pee)

When I was potty-training my kids, they didn’t have light-up, musical, transforming, or animal shaped potties. They may have come in different colors, but that was about the extent of it. Recently, a friend of mine entered into the potty-training phase with her child. After reading what she went through, I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with these potty issues! It just goes to show you that more bling doesn’t equal better.

Here’s what she shared…

After an entire day and a half of either sitting in wet pants, or holding it until her belly was about to explode, my big (little) girl (baby) finally let out a little tinkle on the potty! Not without a little drama though.

See, at age 2, my little girl is all about the Princesses–if it has a princess on it, she wants it.  Following suit, I purchased a throne-shaped…ugh, potty throne for her. And to top it off, once her pee-pee hits the bowl, this potty instantly rewards her by playing an enchanting little celebration song and lighting up! I was certain that once she heard the music play, it would be a Princess Potty & Pee-Pee match made in heaven.

So, after some coaxing and a few rubs on her back, her very first bit of pee hit the bottom of her princess potty, the music played in glorious celebration and the lights sparkled all around her. I squealed, “You did it!” And then I looked down into her perfect little hazel eyes and saw it: A look of sheer terror. And then I heard it: A scream so loud that my dog woke up barking out of primal protective instinct. And then I felt it: Pee–all over me, all over her, and all over everything but the potty. Pee still flowing, she jumped up, scaled my legs and landed in my arms. Screaming through her tears she said, “I’m safe mommy, I’m safe!” My poor baby! My pee-pee victory was gone almost as quickly as it had come.

I got both of us cleaned up. Got the bathroom sparkling again. Sent my hubby out to get a new “blingless” potty. And then, still feeling riddled with guilt, I did what any other frustrated mother of a potty-training two-year-old would do…I beat the princess potty senseless with a baseball bat.

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