
Tracking with Tracey


My friend Tracey is quite the mom.  In fact, she is a major inspiration for me because, well, we track.  Do you know someone that just tracks with you.  It doesn’t matter how long you go without seeing them because when you do you fall in immediately, as if you never had parted.

That’s Tracey.

We kind of live in similar worlds, far apart.  Her husband is CEO of Family Life, my husband is President of Family First.  She has kids about the ages of my kids.  She was drafted to direct Family Life’s program for mothers – Mom Life.  I was drafted to direct Family First’s program for mothers – iMOM.

Tracey and I track.

So much so that I just run in to her surreally.  One minute I am talking to a host of moms at the MOPS Convention and the next I am being squeezed around the neck by my friend Tracey.  She pops up everywhere because we are on the same track in life.  It is comforting to see my friend and to know that I am not alone on my track.

Tracey and I are tracking again into a new world.

It is a challenging world of writing more than a daily email, more than a website article and more than a blog.  We have been asked to tackle the big one – a book.  Tracey’s book is ahead and just left the station it is called Be the Mom.  My book, The Passionate MOM, will be out in March.  From what Tracey tells me we are on the same track in our writing.  We see what moms are facing, what they need, what they question, and how deeply they want to love and care for their children.

I can’t wait to spend time with my friend in her book.  I know it will speak to me because…

Tracey and I track.

Be the Mom: Overcome Attitude Traps and Enjoy Your Kids (Focus on the Family)

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